In white She Held at Crowns of Egypt breathing Life renewing the navel

Portæ Ad Vitam

When constrained becomes steel, to conceive
that of thoughts, none withheld, Israël the shroud
of Aleph Dalet Mem, the Sons of Man

As the dusts become
the new Earth, and the seeds
are replanted, these become
the letters, as men risen
becoming words, of their
Books of Light, and Darkness We
Shall Read, of their deeds and
empty promises, taking account
nor sparing nothing neither
intentions nor each, a notch
of histories

When Life Cometh, as souls touch
that of death, to Heaven
resurrected, sleeping grounds
in beds of light humbled as of Earth, or
tormented as the fires, in urns of
bones, after a nuptial darkness
edge, the evidenced, as crosses
crucified and emptiness humbled
becoming stars, or flames of Râ

In white She Held at Crowns
of Egypt breathing Life renewing the navel
as one a hundred then a billion they
fought and maimed across the nations as flies they
scatter and formed the plagues
of jet as nights, the Moon withdrawn in
chamber, and the Sun risen of the
West, rows and rungs are
drawn in dusts

What is of fire rebirth in darkness, the
Abyss these longings of unknowing, in sleeps
each dream between wakening neither
awakened nor dreaming, groping for the
Tenderness of Love once promised but
turned away, as beggars begging
offering floras myrrh, olibanum and moschata
these seals the angels read of sons of Adam, daughters
of Eve, neither present nor in hearts

What torments the Aral, and Palestine is written by
wings unseen, as travel these princes
princesses, as emissaries of the nights, each travel
between dawn and dusks watching as
irons strike, and whins exchanged
a nervine dance of pride, and humility

When achromic becomes water, to conceive
that of thoughts, none withheld, decalogue the shroud
of Aleph Kaf Aleph, the Sons Divine

As Father the Child, and Mother watches the
Secrets of Life only one withhold through Death she
tenders the hand, in union for Glory of Lands, as waters rise,
and hearths crumble, as Alpha in Omega, the Sought
in the Veiled, yet man will never learn a tad later
until hearts are broken torn asunder

« What is written, is read »


  • AlBaqaroh 2:30-2:119
  • Ghafir 40:64-68
  • Genesis 4
  • Genesis 29:14-15

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